This property faces out onto the River Severn in Worcester sitting only 12 meters away from the river. 70m2 exposed aggregate polished concrete throughout existing house and extension.
The customer has been flooded many times since owning the property and the clean up involved after the water level drops can take weeks.
Along with the building contractor we raised the living areas of the downstairs floor to just above the highest level the river has risen and extended the floors into the new extension to the rear of the house.
The customer chose to go with a exposed aggregate finish based on liking the finish and that if the floor was to become submerged in future then this floor can take the impact from a very deep clean and if needed the floor can re polished requiring only a small amount of work without compromising the aesthetics that could happen with a industrial/ cream finish.
The concrete was placed by the builder on this project and we followed with a weeks worth of grinding and polishing using some of the best products to help further strengthen the concrete.
A mid gloss level was achieved by mechanical polishing the floor and two coats of a topical
sealer were applied to further aid in protecting the surface from flood water penetration.